Setembro_2009 - page 121

20089 – R e v i s t a d a E S P M
Walter Sabini Junior
page 68
e-Commerce is a tendency tomake theworld
more solidandBrazil couldnot lagbehind
when it comes to itsparticipation in the
growingnumbers representedby this sector.
During thefirst half of this year alone,
electronic retailingwas responsible forR$4.8
billion,which represents a27%growthwhen
compared to the sameperiodof theprevious
year.Thehighgrowth rateachievedby
electroniccommerce is also the result of
variouspayment anddiscount offers, or of
shippingexemptions. Initiatives as installment
payments andpromotional actionshavealso
drawn theattention toamarket niche
previouslydedicated topurchases in
traditional popular communities.The lower
middleclass isoneof the sectors that
benefited it from thisuniverseandhasbeen
activelyparticipating ine-commerce.
Rodrigo E. Tafner
page 72
The internet,withaconstantly increasing
numberofusersand theweb-basedsalesvolu-
megrowingyearafteryear, indicatesastrong
trendof retailing in thisdirection;butcould it
be thatonce itgets there, the techniquesof this
verysame retailingwillalreadybeobsolete?
Thebehaviorofonlineconsumers ischanging.
Moreandmore insertedwithinvirtual
communities andgenerating “collective
awareness” regardingproducts andbrands,
theyare theoneswho– inamuchnearer
future thanwecan imagine–willdetermine the
themanagementandsales techniques,even
on the internet.Will thisfinallybe theera in
whichconsumerswill undoubtedlybeKing?
Managingthe experience
of e-Consumers
LucianoGoulart and
page 90
e-Commerce already represents a con-
siderable volumewithin the Brazilian
market. Many companies are consolida-
ted in themarket andalready reap significant
results.This article shares theanalysis
of thecustomers’ experience regarding the
e-commercecontext, byanalyzing its
Pre-Purchase, PurchaseandPost-Purchase
phases –basedon theanalysisof themost
impacting factors and supplyingpossible
waysof optimizingeachoneof these.During
thePre-Purchase,wehave the “findability”
of the site, the landingpages and the
conveyed reliability. During the purchase
phasewe have product location and
configuration, flexibility for delivery,
checkout and payment. Finally, during the
Post-Purchase phase, there is PP service
and communication.The article shows the
importance of focusing on the customer,
in the online dimension.
AlexandreCrivellaro and
page 96
The purpose of this article is to assess
contemporary e-commerce and propose
a newmethod tomeasure it – by taking
into consideration specific data and new
metrics that allow us to better understand
this growing andmaturingmarket.
In this article, IBOPEMedia proposes
a new research application on
e-commerce and a non-invasive
methodology. Themain business
models that havemigrated to the online
world are presented, as well as their
applications and implications.
Besides this, it deals deal with the
mainmeasurement methodologies of
electronic commerce, with the intent
of understanding why the proposed
methodologybecomesnecessary for amore
exemptmeasurement,whichwill allowus
to have an improved strategic planning on
behalf of advertisers andwebmasters.
Steve Jobs, packaging
and e-commerce
page 102
Steve Jobs dedicates to the packaging of
his products the same attention he spares
to developing them. He does this because
he believes that the ritual of unpacking
a product is a fundamental part of the
consumer’s experience. Few entrepre-
neurs have such a clear awareness of the
influence of packaging on the relationship
with the consumer.
Companies that act in e-commerce have
not yet perceived that the expectation
involving the receipt of a product can be
crownedwith the arrival of a package that
values the purchase process via theweb.
These packages can also be used to
reinforce the ties with consumers, since
they are the expression of the store’s
brand in the physical world.
There are promotional actions that can be
developed regarding these packages that
generate new purchases and strengthen
the commercial ties.
e-Commerce inthe
psychic economyand in
Marcelo Angeletti
page 106
Admitting the fact that e-commerce is at
apoint of no return, the issuenow is to
understandwhichare thepaths toharvest the
opportunities that it offers tocompaniesof
the industry, distributionand services.
The concept of Psychic Economy des-
cribed by Chetochine and the fact that
emotions present in communities assume
the form of a cause offer a starting point
to obtain results that are qualitative (in
the image) and quantitative (in profits) for
e-commerce companies.
what isthe secretof its
ArnaldoMendes Jr.
page 110
Never before has themarketing
environment transformed itself so swiftly
and profoundly. The new applications
– based on knowledge arising from the
technological environment, such as
computers, networks, 3G telephony,
amongothers – are changingprofoundly
the socio-cultural environment and,
consequently,modifying thehabits of
consumers andof themarket.Thenatural
reactionof companies is to renew their
valueproposals by adoptingnew techno-
logies, such as the electronic commerce
operations, for example. But, how should
theprocess of adoptingnew technologies
is tobe conducted successfully?This article
provides a reference that can assist in this
challenging task, basing itself on the
concept ofOrganizational Equilibrium.
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