Janeiro_2002 - page 99

Revista daESPM –Março/Abril de 2002
P. 9
In-linewitheconomicandsocialchanges in the last100years, thesportssectorbecameprofessional,
allowing the expansion of related companies (e.g. Adidas) and turning sportive events, teams and
icons intoveryspecial communicationvehicles. Inorder to reachconsumerswhen theyarepracticing,
watching toand readingabout their favorite sport, companies aremoreandmoreusing instruments
like sponsoring. With clear objectives in mind, these companies are achieving significant results.
Understandingpassion,whichdifferssports fromanyothersuccessfulbrandingexample, the importance
ofagood relationshipwith thepress inachieving results,andknowinghow tomake thecustomer loyal
andattract him to thestadiumarekey tosponsorsand teamsandother relatedparties.
P. 15
After agood start, sportsmarketing is standing still inBrazil. In this article, theauthor discuss
thecauses for thisdelayandconcludes that the lackofprofessionalism,both from teamexecutives
and athletes, is themost important one. Brazilian laws also share responsibility, because they
create a lot of uncertainty among investors.
The article also shows that Brazilian teams have not understood the true objectives of sports
marketing yet. But sponsors are also to blame. For example, take the story of an Italian
businessman, Mr. Rodolfo Crespi, who came to Brazil in the beginning of the 20
century and
starteda soccer team– Juventus –andbuilt a stadium, whichwas excellent for the time. But he
neverused the teamasan instrument toaddvalue tohisbrand. Surprisinglyenough, thismentality
is still paramount to this day.
Finally, the author suggests a closer relationship with the media and the press, especially
television. No sponsoring strategywill live up to expectationswithout proper communication.
P. 21
The “glamour”ofMarketing isnot restrictedneither to thehighbudget communicationcampaigns,nor to the
veryspecializedmarketing researchdepartments.Mormaii’sperformanceproves thatmarketing isprettymuch
about to know the consumer behavior. The close relationship with its target-market has guaranteed to this
company a solid position in the surf waremarket. In order to achieve success, MORMAII hasmade use of
Radical Marketing, a philosophy about creativity, employment of different marketing tools, close relationship
with theconsumer andattention tocompany’sstrengths.
Thegrowthway that thecompanywent throughwasdroveby the innovationof itsproducts,by itsdistribution,
andbyasuigeneriscontactwith theclients.Thecompanyhas found itsown languageand itwasnotnecessary
high investmentson traditional campaigns to launch itsproducts.Mormaii bet onRadicalMarketingandwon.
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